Numerous new business books are released each year and are read by millions of people. But which books should be your priority when there are so many options?
I recently finished reading eight of the classic business books, according to many. These books have all endured the test of time; they have all appeared on the list of the New York Times bestsellers and have consistently received high praise from reviewers and the most prominent business figures in the world. Even now, some of them might be on your parents’ nightstands.
Here are the most intriguing lessons from each book so you don’t have to go through the trouble of reading them yourself.
1. How to Win Friends & Influence People by Dale Carnegie
Book Synopsis: Dale Carnegie’s How to Win Friends & Influence People offers readers advice on forming connections and interacting with others. Even though they were written in the 1930s, the ideas hold true today. The 214-page book discusses “Give sincere and honest appreciation” and “Ask questions rather than giving orders.”
Why it’s a great business book: This is one of the most well-respected books on business dealing with people. On-Time Magazine’s list of the top books of all time in 2011, came in at number 19. Warren Buffett, a multibillionaire, enrolled in one of Dale Carnegie’s public speaking courses after reading his book had such a profound impact on him.
2. Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill
Business Book Summary: Napoleon Hill’s Think and Grow Rich is regarded as one of the best books on personal growth. He recounts the exploits of wealthy men from his generation, including Andrew Carnegie, Henry Ford, and Thomas Edison, in the 238-page book.
Why you should read this business book: Think and Grow Rich is a classic among business books. The book provides excellent insight into what motivates someone to succeed. This book has given rise to some of the most well-known quotes, including “A winner never quits, and a quitter never wins.”
3. Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert T. Kiyosaki
Summary of the Business Book: Rich Dad Poor Dad is a well-known book on personal finance. The story of Robert T. Kiyosaki’s two fathers—one wealthy and one poor—is told in the book that is frequently taught in colleges. The rich dad was a friend’s father who served as his mentor, while the poor dad was his biological father. He discusses the money lessons his wealthy father taught him, frequently busting myths along the way.
Why you should read this business book: Rich Dad Poor Dad is regarded as one of the best business books about financial literacy. This book is excellent for those who are just starting out and want to develop an entrepreneurial mindset. Celebrities such as Oprah, Will Smith, Donald Trump, and Daymond John have all publicly praised the book, which has sold over 26 million copies.
4. The 4-Hour Workweek by Timothy Ferriss
What is this business book: Many consider the 4-Hour Workweek to be a game-changing business book. It provides insight into how life is and could be. Ferris tells his story of being an overworked entrepreneur and how he achieved a better work-life balance. The book provides a step-by-step guide to reducing your workweek, such as through outsourcing.
Why you’ll like this business book: It doesn’t get much better than this. Tim Ferriss’ book was so well-received that it was translated into 35 languages and sold over 1.3 million copies worldwide. The New York Times best-seller remained on the list for more than four years. The book popularized outsourcing and leading a free life.
5. The $100 Startup by Chris Guillebeau
About this business book: In his book the $100 Startup, Chris Guillebeau shares case studies of 50 people who made at least $50,000 from a $100 investment. He reveals how much money people spend to start their businesses. Then, to achieve results, he promotes action over planning. He also encourages people to pursue profitable interests.
Why should you read this business book: The $100 Startup is one of the best business books for low-budget entrepreneurs. Starting a business does not have to be expensive, as the book’s case studies demonstrate. Guillebeau also advises failing quickly and investing only in projects that have proven to be profitable. The book includes a one-page business plan designed to spur action.