Developing Eye-Catching CTAs for Direct Mail Marketing

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Direct mail marketing may be considered an outdated strategy in the digital age. But, if done right, it can still be an effective method of generating business and increasing revenue. An important component of marketing through physical mail is the call-to-action (CTA).

Without eye-catching CTAs, the strategy remains incomplete. So, how should a business develop those magic words that prompt a customer to take immediate action?

By utilizing the right method for the right campaign, eye-catching CTAs can be developed.

Applying the correct approach is the key to a strong marketing campaign.

Effective Approaches to Develop Eye-Catching CTAs

Here are the three approaches to follow.

Clarify Your End Goals

A CTA without a purpose is meaningless. Determine what your objectives are and what the firm wishes to achieve with direct mail marketing. Figure out what your target audience will find attractive and how it can overlap with your end goals.

Write Your CTA

The content should be captive in nature for it to be an eye-catching CTA. By using action words, the reader will feel a sense of urgency to act. Along with this, it must use descriptive language to provide clear guidance.

An example would be “purchase before month-end for a 30% discount”. Any sort of direction that leads them to the brand through a phone number, website, or some other method.

Notice that, compared to an email marketing campaign, direct mail marketing requires another step to be completed by the user. So, the CTA and content must be well-written.

Measure Key Metrics

Without analyzing the responses to the marketing campaign, there is no room for improvement. Record the number of phone calls, website traffic, and purchases from the marketing campaign. Create multiple CTAs and perform A/B testing to see the performance of each.

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CTA Based on Campaign Type

The language used for the CTA will also be affected by the type of campaign.

Campaign for Acquisition

These are for customers who will experience their first interaction with the brand. Remember that people receive hundreds of emails every day but rarely receive physical mail.

To create a positive first impression, the brand and its functions should be explained properly. The CTA should be strongly worded to give customers an incentive to link with the brand.

Campaign for Retention

For existing customers, it is important to maintain and solidify these relationships. Here, personalization plays a key role, where CTAs will try to encourage purchases through targeted offers and discounts.

Campaign for Reactivation

For dormant or past customers, getting them to re-engage will require a CTA through direct mail marketing and email marketing. These individuals have already been marketed, yet they will require re-marketing.

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